I hope we did not interupt anything." Thor: "Well, just book club. It Takes a Pillage Jody is possessed by a Viking spirit Jody Irwin: Give me the medallion, you milk-livered runt! Juniper Lee: Runt?! I've got two inches on you! New Trickster in Town Thor: "ordering pity party of one please, your table is ready, tonights special is an oven roasted fillet of poor me, served on a delightful bed of cry me a river."

Ya ready to go bubba? Cult: Sure! Juniper: Good. Juniper: Nothing? we've got 40 pounds of slug in our toilet.what did you do?!Ĭult: What's that? Juniper: That’s my dog, and he’s showing us the way out. I've Got My Mind on My Mummy and My Mummy on My Mind Juniper: Ray-Ray.what did you do? Ray-Ray: What? Juniper: What did you do? Ray-Ray: Nothing. Two, if there was music, I wouldn't like it. Ophelia Ramírez: Ah, the lesser of three evils. Juniper Lee: Your mother hired a clown? Jody Irwin: It was the pony, the magician, or the clown. Season 1 It's Your Party and I'll Whine If I Want To Juniper Lee: Sorry we're late. 2.9 June's Egg-cellent Adventure: Juniper Lee Meets the Easter Bunny.2.6 There's No Mitzvah Like Snow Mitzvah.